
General Certification Questions

What do I get if I become CRYENGINE certified?

Exam candidates who successfully complete an exam will be sent a congratulatory Certified Expert package that includes:

  • A program-specific, personalized digital badge that can be displayed, embedded online, linked to, and verified by others. This advertises your status as a CRYENGINE Certified Expert to peers, customers, and employers. Badges include the certification type, the specific skills represented, the award and expiration dates, links to reference data, and the Certified Expert Directory on CRYENGINE.com via which anyone can verify the validity of the certification and the identity of its holder.
  • The option to be listed (with any contact information they choose including name, location, web site, email) in our public, searchable Certified Experts Directory to help prospective employers find and hire experts they can trust.

Will you help me get a job if I get certified?

We cannot directly land you a job or promise that you’ll find a job after you get certified. What certification will do is to provide prospective employers with definitive proof that you have a verified professional-level skill set in CRYENGINE, and make it easy for them to find your name and location if you choose to be listed in our public expert database of certified experts.

How long is a certification valid?

Certifications expire two years from the date they were granted, and are specific to the version of CRYENGINE on which you were tested. The first exams are on CRYENGINE version 5.5. For each subsequent version, a new set of questions and a separate set of exams will be issued to reflect changes in the software. You should consider what version of the software you are likely to use, or which version your employer or prospective employer is using when choosing an exam version.

What happens when my certification expires? Do I have to pay to get re-certified?

When your certification expires, it is no longer valid, and you will no longer be listed in our Certified Experts directory. If you want to maintain the same certification, you can retake the same exam (on the same software version) at zero cost as long as you take it within 90 days after the expiration of your previous certification.

Exam Preparation

How do you recommend preparing for an exam?

CRYENGINE provides numerous free resources, including our documentation, technical documentation, video tutorials, online tutorials, beginner’s guide, and the user forums, which include user-generated answers and tutorials.

If you’re just starting out with CRYENGINE, we recommend you take our free beginner’s course, which you can download from the CRYENGINE Marketplace. It will give you a thorough grounding in the CRYENGINE interface, tools, and techniques.

And while there is no substitute for experience, some of the most valuable information you’ll find is communicated directly between CRYENGINE users on social media platforms like Discord, Steam, and YouTube; on third party tutorial sites like Udemy, Lynda, and PluralSight; and in books, articles, and blogs.

Will I be able to consult my notes, the documentation, or other resources to help me with the exam?

No. We want to test your knowledge, not your ability to find answers you don’t already know. During the exam, you will need to rely entirely on your memory and your ability to analyze the question and select the correct answer.

Exam Results

If I don't pass an exam, can I retake it?

Yes. However, if you don’t get a passing score the first time you take an exam, you must wait at least 14 days before taking the same exam again. If you don’t get a passing score on your second attempt, you must wait at least 90 days before taking the corresponding exam again. There is no discount for re-taking exams for which you have not yet achieved a passing score.

Can I retake an exam if I do pass it?

You can always retake an exam that you’ve already passed. Your reasons might include wanting to reach a higher score or to update your certification date. However, you must wait at least nine months before retaking an exam that you’ve already passed.

Do you provide accommodation for people who have special needs that they think may affect their ability to meet the conditions for taking the exam?

Yes. For now, please contact us with any special needs requests, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Will I have a chance to edit my answers before I finish an exam?

Yes, as long as the exam time has not ended, you can choose to use your remaining time to review and amend existing answers.

In which languages are exams available?

Currently, all exams are given in English, consistent with the CRYENGINE software interface itself. If you would like to add your voice to lobby for an exam to be offered in additional languages, you are welcome to email us your request.

What's the minimum passing score?


Do I lose points for wrong answers?

No, you simply aren’t awarded points for incorrect answers.

Will my exam results tell me which questions I answered incorrectly and/or the correct answers?

No. To protect the security of the exams, you will only receive a score summary report. CRYENGINE does not provide the answers to specific questions.

Can I ask for an exam score to be re-evaluated?

No. The final score of an exam cannot be changed. If you have questions or suggestions about certification or the exam process in general, contact us.

When will I find out my score and my certification status?

In most cases, your grade will be shown very shortly after you finish your exam. Your certification status will be communicated via email soon after that. Reasons why this might be delayed could include incident reports about your exam process sent to us by ProctorU that require review, technical issues, personnel availability, holidays, and so on.

Can I get a refund on an exam?

No refunds are offered, whether you miss your exam appointment, don’t receive a passing score, are disqualified for violating our terms of service, or if you take an exam again.

Is there any discount on exams if I've been certified previously?

Yes. If you have previously held a valid CRYENGINE certification, you are eligible to schedule a new version of the same certification exam (i.e., for the same certification but on a new version of CRYENGINE or the same version as your previous certification) with a discount to be determined, as long as you schedule your exam within 90 days of the date your previous certification expires.

What happens if a test candidate violates the Terms of Service?

If a candidate violates the CRYENGINE terms of service or is found to have engaged in conduct that could affect the integrity of the CRYENGINE Certified Experts Program, consequences may include:

  • Being permanently barred from the certification program.
  • Having any existing certifications revoked.
  • Being removed from the certified experts directory.

In what ways could a candidate violate CRYENGINE's Terms of Service?

The following examples detail how a candidate might be found in violation of the CRYENGINE certification program terms of service:

  • Cheating on an exam, including the use of any outside resources, notes, websites, books, devices, etc., or taking unauthorized breaks during the exam.
  • Preparing for an exam by using websites that have fraudulently obtained or substantially reproduced exam data and shared or sold it with others.
  • Either accepting or providing assistance during an exam.
  • Falsifying your identity, taking an exam for someone else, having someone else taken an exam for you, or impersonating someone else to get access to an exam.
  • Hacking into or otherwise obtaining unauthorized access to CRYENGINE exam questions or data.
  • Disseminating exam questions, results, or answers in any way, including disclosing, transmitting, copying, publishing, selling, offering to sell, posting, downloading, distributing in any way, or otherwise transferring, modifying, making derivative works of, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or translating any exam in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, verbal or written, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose.
  • Violating a CRYENGINE or Crytek NDA to which you had previously agreed.
  • Otherwise violating the CRYENGINE terms of service or the terms of service of the exam provider in any way.

Can I report security concerns and remain anonymous?

Yes, you can contact us with any concerns, and indicate whether you wish to remain anonymous or be contacted with any follow-up information.

How should my computer and workspace need to be set up in order to take an exam?

Please refer to the ProctorU FAQ for a full description of their requirements. Among their other requirements, you’ll need an internet connection of a specific minimum speed, a webcam, microphone, speakers or headphones, and a web browser with the Flash plug-in installed.

Do I have to write code for the programming exams?

No, but you will have to correctly identify bugs and choose the correct answer from multiple examples of pre-written code. Most importantly, you’ll need to be familiar with the CRYENGINE API. Since real-world programmers use products like Visual Studio that provide dynamic access to functions and parameters and save them from having to memorize an entire library, the nature of the test questions reflects a similar environment.

Where can I take a certification exam?

Rather than forcing you to travel to any particular location, our exams are proctored electronically, so you can take your test from any computer that has a good internet connection, an up-to-date web browser, and a web camera. Your test proctor will also need for you to prove to them that your test room is secure, that you are alone and unaided by outside resources or human helpers.

Your test proctor will require you to have a functioning web camera and microphone and to have a government-issued photo ID ready to show them to validate your identity. Our test proctoring partner ProctorU provides a help page about what to prepare before taking an electronic exam with them. Also, you will be sharing your screen with your test proctor so they can monitor you as you take the exam. You cannot use a computer with multiple monitors, since more than one screen cannot be shared, so please unplug any additional monitors before your exam.

Are exams version-specific?

Yes, the exam tests you on a specific version of CRYENGINE. For each new engine version, a new set of questions and a separate set of exams will be issued to reflect changes in the software. You should consider what version of the software you are likely to use, or which version your employer or prospective employer is using when choosing an exam version.